

Lords of the North
Name Lords of the North
Ticker LOTN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
URL http://
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1659241367

Members [0]


The Lords of the North is a corporation for both newer and experienced players. Together the corporation members will help better each other to become some of the best pilots in Eve.

Corp Objectives:
Aid newer players in the game.
Make large amount of isk to fund our corportation.
Mission running to gain standing in Eve.
Minor PVP to train for larger engagements and war.

Future Goals:
Expand into 0.0 sec space.
Build various Player owned structures in 0.0.
Become self sufficient.
Large scale production and mining.

If you feel you would fit into a great corportation with great responsible leadership, then the Lords of the North is your training ground. We are friendly, kind, and generous, but we will also support our allies and our corp members and will retaliate against those who anger us in war.

Thanks, Mithiras Bloodbane

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-05-10 06:23:02
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