

Ore Exploration Team
Name Ore Exploration Team
Ticker OREET
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1659634647

Members [0]


Invite only - Applications are closed (indefinitely).

Any ransom demands or threats will be responded with childish insults and hysterical laughter. Fallowed by members leaving the corp and entering a new corp just so to continue operations in high sec,

Ore EXploration team do not promote piracy or merc. activities

We can perform courier contracts and highsec scans for fleets.

We produce P4 products and items that are only 100% PI

For 2,000,000 isk, we can open cyno for you on a low sec. system, near a station, at any time you like.
[We require a collateral of 6mil before service]

Random wardecs will be ingonred as usual and they dont pose any danger to our operations.
Just ask the idiots at Nuova Crociata that wardeced us at 12.07.2010. and resulted in 0 kills while they spent millions to keep the war going :P

If you are a member of Nuova Crociata we ask you to keep the war going as its fun to know there are still idiots that are willing to waste isk coming after 1 member corps :P

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 08:51:00
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