

Royal Hiigaran Navy Goat Supply
Name Royal Hiigaran Navy Goat Supply
Ticker RHGSC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1666943628

Members [0]


The Royal Hiigaran Navy have a long and storied history involving goats.

We are primary provider of quality french goats to the RHNVY. Our mission is to keep them occupied with their favorite farm animals so that they leave the innocent and carebearing corps across Eve alone and free from Velcro burns.

Premium Anti-Velcro Shields available upon request.

No goats were harmed in the typing of this message

Known Members

ArmaggedonPSA, Illastra, Bunny4you, Sal Kar, Malfanzo, Leviathan9, Antar Khan, Boris Butterfield, Brushahar, C1yde, Cabbs Babbage, Derinik, Dirk magnum, Hua Taiji, Riddick PSA, Shultz, SolusLunes, TorlekX, Von Blue

We also think the Dogs of Oblivion are a bunch of newb losers

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 13:31:38
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