

Ticker S-A-N
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1714074907

Members [0]



The main purpose of THE SPLASH NAVY is to establish its self as a respectable military task force of which we can help the eve universe and unite against anything with a malicious purpose.

We are a PVP focused corporation, meaning we do everything from Intel gathering to Fleet operations to defensive coordination’s. We will help bring young characters/players into the game and train them so they can be a successful PVP’r.

We are a military built Corp and we operate like such. We have a serious command structure and recruit program. After a given amount of time you can grow in the ranks and you will be acknowledged for your service and dedication. The way you earn this is by longevity/activity in the Corp.

You must produce a limited API (because it is limited it is at no risk to you) and user number for security checks and skill assessment for training upon applicant. <-- go here to obtain it

You must not be involved with any acts of piracy or fraudulent behavior.
You must have a want/need/desire for PVP.
You must be willing to contribute even if you’re brand new to the game. Even tech 1 frigates are valuable. We even have a training program to help you if you would like assistance with PVP or even PVE.
When we are not in OP's or involved in real PVP you are free to resume your normal activities, as long as you know that at any given time that action stations could be given out in any given area (mainly in 0 sec). If you are in such an area you must try your hardest to be prepared and ready as fast as possible like a real military force would.

There is no skill point requirement and there is no previous experience with eve required.

When filling out your application please make sure you give a reason you would like to join and state that you have read and agree to the terms above.

You may contact Captain Raelaem Eudain for recruiting questions.

Thank You and Fly safe,
Captain Raelaem Eudain

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2009-11-11 16:27:49
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API J:13 Mar 08:37 K:13 Mar 08:34 C:13 Mar 09:29 A:13 Mar 09:30 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:13 Mar 09:08 S:13 Mar 08:43 W:13 Mar 09:15