

17th Logisitcs and Supply Regiment
Name 17th Logisitcs and Supply Regiment
Ticker 17 LR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Alexi Uisen
Members 1
Tax Rate 6%
corporationID 1167720843

Members [1]


17th Log's was created during the Sansha invasion, having need for better logisitcs unit support to front line troops, Miners, Exp.ed Logicitcs pilots were brought together and formed the 17th Logistics supply Regiment. The miners provided with the raw materails to create more reineforcements, while the Exp.ed Logistics unit support provided the direct repping.

Bonum vinum laetificat cor hominis - Good wine gladdens a person's heart

Looking for Recruits:
* New players welcome
* Old players welcome
* Players need a sense of humor
* Maturity level in serious situations
* good with team work
* Able to share the last cookie with the CEO
* Don't feed the trolls (Lorne)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 11:24:48
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