

Gallente Air Force
Name Gallente Air Force
Ticker -GAF-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1809309086

Members [0]


-Gallente Air Force- was founded in 2143.
Its origins track down to the Gallente Navy 8th Air Squadron that had diferent perspectives of the term "Pacification by War".

In 2140, even before the Big Caldari War was a possibility, the Gallente Council held a meeting to develop a plan to make a large scale war profitable. That plan involved a big personal economical sacrifice from individual pilots. The Gallenteans were divided by such a thought.
In hope to regain the required motivational behaviour from the Gallentean Race, council called an experienced war pilot to speak for the Nation. This pilot was awarded the Protector Cape for his valor in the GSO - Great Syndicate Operation in 2087.
Leutenant James Marshalll addressed the Great Gallentean Nation and out of his statement there was a sentence that marked every pilots behaviour:
"War takes what war gives, every Gallente combat pilot is required to raise the funds needed to equip properly for battle. Doing it through mining, trading or piracy is his own personal choice."
He never predicted that his words would change every combat pilot behaviour beyond comprehension.
The Gallente Council was forced to do something about this new way of thinking, bringing "piracy for a greater good" to a new legal level of awareness. They created a new branch in the Gallente Armed Forces. The Gallente Air Force. Its unique objective is to raise funds for war, by all means necessary.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2009-11-11 16:32:18
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