

Buckshot Dragon IND.
Name Buckshot Dragon IND.
Ticker BDIND
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 20%
corporationID 1878504347

Members [0]


We are a relaxed group of friends from the United States and Europe but welcome those from around the world.

What we offer:

* Members in the US/EU/UK/ Time Zones
* Constant support and backup when things get tuff
* Weekend Hulk Mining fleet opps+support /PVP/Industrial
* Logistic Transport assistance to your new home.
* EVE Audio Chat non mic users welcome
* Zero BS Zero Drama.

We conduct training in Amarr Space with the aim to get new members up to doing Level 4s in fleet as soon as possible, with the ultimate goal of soloing Level 4 missions. Additionally, we conduct incursion fleet operations and Level 5s low sec missions.

We conduct weekly alliance mining operations with industrial command ship and combat support.
Hulk Miners only who have successfully Corp Fleet Mined 4 weekends in every month will receive 50mil in wallet for trustworthy services and honesty.
1/4 of the bonus is deducted for every weekend missed

New Players:
We take players from 2 weeks onwards. Initially for a two week trial before full membership. We offer free T1 ammo/drones to new member in trial period and full mod and ship production support for full members.

We train all our members in the many roles of a PVP fleet. From joining u will be encourage to learn a little of PVP and fly a 'tackler'. We have contacts in 0.0 as well, for serious PVP. We run a war time ship replacement program.

Back-up and Help:
Members and Directors are on hand to help with questions about fittings, weapons, missions etc. If u need more explanation we can run a practical class from probing in wormholes to finding bargains on the market.

We get our pilots to Level 4 missions standard as soon as is safe, so members can get together and do missions quickly and safely. We also have pvp ships ready for any unwanted human visitors.

We have several hangers in the amarr space, corp members use them as a library, borrowing what they need. The hangers are stocked by the loot from corp missions and donations. Any surplus is sold and divided among members and corp.

We require:

-A limited API KEY - don't worry if u don't know what that is

-Main Character- Alts can join afterwards.

-English use/understanding

-We accept all time zones but are mainly a EU/US corp.

-Nice personality and willingness to participate.

Please contact wowhot babe (Recruitment) or wiked one (ceo) or Danylman (1st in Command) for more information about us or info about joining.

Aplications are frozen

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2016-03-07 08:23:41
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