

617 Imperial Squad
Name 617 Imperial Squad
Ticker 617SQ
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1917508484

Members [0]


617 Imperial squad is a friendly multirole corporation.
Our policy is NBSI ( Not Blue Shoot It )
One of our main goals it to expand our members and upgrade our member power.
We use ventrillo to comunicate effictivly and in 617 we promote team work more than anything.
We shall root out the injustice of New Eden we will deliver great fury and restore the balance of power in the universe.
We recruit any type of player which isnt :-
1) A complete Asshole
2) A wuss and wont fight wars
3) Un-loyal
4) A selfish Money grabbing bastard
If you were or are any of the above please notify us so we can add you to the kill list.
If your intrested in a proffesion talk to one of the following people and note if your proffesion is not on there feel free to contact as we do most proffesions in eve even the evil ones.
PvP Director : Amarrek Ja
Exploration Director : Dr Who1
Industry Director : snakes120

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-05-03 22:24:06
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