

Caldari Navy Hellhounds
Name Caldari Navy Hellhounds
Ticker CNH
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1923868575

Members [0]


"All of life is forged from in, yet from its beauty our legacy began, our ancestors struggled with this paradox, but today we take solace in our past, we embrace this fire, it is who we are. a fiery clash of fates awaits us all, are destiny must spawn havoc in the name of preserving a future life, do not wait for us or fear the path that we’ve chosen, what we do now we do for the survival of our species, we will rescue from our self’s, it shall come to pass that the fire in the depth of our souls returns those who would defy us, to the hell from when’s they came for there can be no other destiny, but our own."

The CNH corporation is a caldari Militia corp, we fight along side our brothers and sisters of the Caldari State to protect the security and integrity of the State.

We are currently a new corporation we always will be in the militia. We are currently recruiting :

- PvP ready players
- miners
- and anyone ready to die for the Caldari State

Our number one saying is :

Fight with courage, honour and humility.

At battle's end, honour the fallen, remember the dead and never forget the lost.

Protect your friend's, defend the weak and helpless and strive forward to a better state.

Now join up and FIGHT FOR THE CALDARI!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 10:38:28
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