

AI Trading Co.
Name AI Trading Co.
Ticker AITC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1985455115

Members [0]


â•‘ + AI Trading Co. - â•‘
+Recruitment is now OPEN
+Accepting mergers with smaller corps
+Now Accepting Miners/Mission Runners/PVPers -- NO TRIAL ACOUNTS PLEASE

AI Trading Company is a diverse industry geared EVE corporation devoted to
seeking industry driven profits. AI achieves these goals by employing well
conceived logistics concepts and tools to help get the job done effectively and
efficiently. We are dedicated to our members, by providing all possible resources
and tools to allow them to generate large profits in EVE, and strive to create a
stable and friendly work environment. The core of our operation is based out of
the Amarr Empire and nearby low security space with intentions to expand deeper
into the unknown.

Our corp website has several tools built into the site. The main tool is our fleet
mining logistics tool, called Industry M8, It allows members to start a mining
operation when they desire. Miners then join the mining operation both in eve
through the fleet and on the webpage. When an op is closed out and the ore
logged into the website the tool then calculates the participants shares based on
the ship they flew and how long they were in the operation. This is nice because
all members do not have to be present for the start and conclusion of the operation.

Application locations:
Mandoo III - Moon 11 - Creodron Factory (Amarr Space)
Suroken VIII - Moon 12 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant (Caldari Space)

Our focus extends to all fields in Eve, and we operate in the collective interest
of its members. Our primary mandate is to offer an environment of active, exciting
operations, and resources to our members in a relaxed pressure-free organization.

We host corp wide activities in Mining, Missions, Production, PVE, and PVP.

We are searching for active & mature pilots in All TZ's:
* Miners (Wormhole, Low, High sec)
* Soldiers (PvP, PvE, Missioning)
* Haulers/Freighters
* Industrialists (Manufacturing, Research)

You Do::::?
“Asteroids speak to me…no really”
Those who mine are valuable members of our corporation and we appreciate
them and their contribution to AITC’s efforts. You will be vital in our growth
and infrastructure development!

You Do::::?
“I blow things up to make people happy”
We need you. Our members need standings with NPC corporations for a
variety of things. A driving force of income for our PVP pilots and PVE pilots
to buy the supplies they need. Not to mention running missions in fleets is
always much more enjoyable!

We offer:
√ Wormhole and lowsec access
√ Ventrilo server access
√ Access to all level missions
√ Solo/Corp/Alliance mining (orca boosted, tax free)
√ Solo and fleet mission running (5% tax)
√ Corporate hanger access
√ Hi-sec empire.
√ In-house ship and module resources.
√ PVP action
√ Specialization Training
√ Mentoring Program
√ Fitting Assistance

* Combat policy: NBSI *

Requirements for membership:
* You must be mature, social, positive and respectful
* Faction standings with Amarr Empire and Caldari State greater then -2.0
* Willingness to learn and work as a team
* Enthusiastic & Self-motivated
* Non-pirate (NON-Negotiable)
* Tolerance of insanity, silly humor and Classic jokes (IMPORTANT)

NOTE: New members are subject to a 2 week incubation period
before they are granted full membership.

Whether you are a player who wants to make ISK in EVE, a seasoned
veteran with a desire to teach and support new comers, or someone looking
for a change of pace and run missions or mine as you please.

WE ARE YOUR Corporation.

/ \

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-05-18 22:15:03
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