

Swift Specialists
Name Swift Specialists
Ticker SWIF
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 2001560550

Members [0]


Swift Specialists, is looking for new pilots to join its ranks.

How we operate:

Swift is a PvP and mission running corporation who utilizes teamwork to benefit all members. We are based around Lonetrek. We also run in-house PVP sessions for the enjoyment of our members.

Altho we have members that are dedicated industrial pilots they can and do pvp.


Prospective members should have an interest in pvp to co-inside with there chosen profession.
pvp training can be given.

Pilot must have completed the tutorial
Ventrillo capability
Sense of Humour & Laid back approach to Eve

NO SP MINIMUM! We take pilots of all “ages”

T1 Ship costs provided for ships lost on ops.
Low 5% Tax

We are very laid back, friendly, and relaxed bunch of guys so please contact Bravoone121 or aarchangels for more details if interested.

HQ & Office at: Hakonen - 9-9 Caldari Navy Assembly Plant

Recruitment contact : aarchangels

Diplomatic contacts : bravoone121 , aarchangels

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-01-10 22:23:36
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