

Knights Of EVE.
Name Knights Of EVE.
Ticker KNOE.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
URL http://
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 215503019

Members [0]


Welcome to Knights of Eve

Recruitment Open

We are primarily an Industrial corp but also mission run,
explore and pvp as part of the alliance. We are made up of a core group of friends each with nearly 2 years experience in EVE and are more then happy to share our experience to help out new members.

We are based in both the Caldari and Amarr Empire's with the following goals:
1) To help out new members in all aspects of Eve.
2) To make Friends & Have fun playing Eve.
3) To become a profitable, trustworthy corp.

We are currently Recruiting all industrialists, security pilots and explorers. Our primary focus is mining, with expanding divisions in all directions.

Divisions Include:
1-Mining & Refining
2-Security Forces
3-Trade, Research & Industry
4-Mission & Exploration

-Ventrilo Server
-Very Friendly folks who will help in any way possible
-Group Operations
-An Awesome Alliance
-PVP Training
-Development and Promotional Prospects
-Newb Friendly
-Laid back atmosphere where RL comes first

-Provide Limited API Key
-A mic for voice communication, but if its not up and running when you join that’s ok. For training purposes its important to have voice and for extensive help please schedual a time with someone.

So if interested in joining a friendly, highly driven group then Convo/EVEmail Houlihan or Nafire

Public Channel: Eve Knights Public
Headquarters are located in Bagodan I HZO Refinery

Please note, random applications will be rejected, please contact a corp director prior to submitting an app.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2009-11-28 17:14:11
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API J:18 Mar 17:38 K:18 Mar 17:44 C:18 Mar 18:21 A:18 Mar 18:18 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:18 Mar 17:55 S:18 Mar 17:40 W:18 Mar 18:15