

Code Triage
Name Code Triage
Ticker MSCAL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 216204530

Members [0]


Exitus Acta Probat

Code Triage is now offering Security Consultaton Services, for both Offensive and Defensive purposes.

In certain regions of the United States, "Code Triage" is a Hospital Emergency Code. It and its more widely used brother, the "MASCAL" call, signify a Mass Casualty event...

Contract Status: Available
Recruitment Status: Open
Contact: Corporate Thief

...It is for obvious reasons, then, that Founder Corporate Thief used the name and shortened term to refer to his Corporation (previously a non-Corporate entity simply referred to as "The Organization") when he went public. Though Code Triage has only existed for a year, The Organization has been at work for nearly half a decade...

Code Triage is a Mercenary Organization born from the height of GH-SC's Operations. Over time, we have refined our mission profile from simple Thefts to the outright destruction of target powers through the months-long process of exploiting the entity's weaknesses. While sitting on their Board of Directors.

...[MSCAL] operates numerous Cells, with a peak Operative count numbering in the hundreds. Though these numbers allowed the Organization to take down the Sc0rched Earth Alliance from the inside, the Operation came at a price; dozens of Operatives resigned when the Alliance was no more...

Looking for conventional "War Dec" Mercenaries? Join Chat Channel "Merc Contracts" for traditional firepower!

...But through it all, from the rise and fall of individual Corporations to manipulation on a Galactic scale, one thing has always rung true: It's not a Corporation; It's a way of life.

Out for tea O/
Last Updated: 2010.10.29

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-10-30 06:25:12
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