

StarFall Industrial Inc.
Name StarFall Industrial Inc.
Ticker SF.I
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 222608522

Members [0]


Starfall Industrial Inc.


Buccaneer Bill


About us:

have a broad mix of experience making us a good home for seasoned vets as
well as newer players. We operate out of Ammatar Mandate space and currently have seasoned
mining pilots as well as mission runners. We are beginning to branch into PvP as well.
We have low requirements of our members allowing for individuals to enjoy their gametime
without being bogged down in mandatory ops every day. Current goals include capital ship
production and expanding our PvP roster. Corporate tax is used for acquisition of
corporation assets such as BPO's and station rent.

Benefits of membership in Starfall Industrial Inc.:

-Level 4 missions with multiple agents
-Experienced players
-Newer players

Requirements of Membership in Starfall Industrial Inc.:

-Positive Security Status (Exceptions made on a case by case basis)
-Relocation to Subi-Derelik area
-Willingness to help newer players
-Positive Ammatar Mandate faction standings or,
-Willingness to correct negative Ammatar Mandate faction standings
-Participation in corporation benefit operations when scheduled

Application process:

When applying to Starfall Industrial Inc. please keep in mind that not all applicants are
not accepted. This is not something you should take personally. Not all corporations are a good
fit for you just as you may or may not be a good fit for us. To that extent, below are the things
that we ask of all new applicants. This information will be reviewed and if it is found to be acceptable,
will allow us to proceed to an interview.

When applying for membership, please include the following information on your application:

-How you found us
-What your career path in Eve is
-Ships of note you can fly
-API code limited or full (for security checks)
-Full disclosure of all alternate characters and corps
-Brief explanation of employment history citing reasons for leaving past corporations

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-05-14 06:24:17
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API J:22 Feb 06:57 K:22 Feb 06:43 C:22 Feb 07:07 A:22 Feb 07:07 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:22 Feb 06:58 S:22 Feb 06:49 W:22 Feb 06:15