

Rhombus  Enterprises
Name Rhombus Enterprises
Ticker RHOM
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 2.2%
corporationID 224248890

Members [0]


Rhombus: 'rom-buhs' (noun) - "a shape in which all of the sides are equal length"

Rhombus Enterprises: 'rom-buhs en'ter-prizes' (noun) - "a corporation where all members are treated equally"

Mostly specializing in production, we offer a variety of high-quality products at discount prices. Currently there are over 500 items to choose from and still growing. We can fill small or large orders with fast and prompt delivery for a small fee. Join the Rhombus Customer Membership Program to save even more on your orders with special incentives each month!

Go to the website to place an order or simply browse through our product list to see if we can help meet or exceed your production demands.

If you would like to become a member of the Rhombus family put an application in our offices and one of our certified recruiters will contact you. We accept players of all types of skills and professions and we do not discriminate based on race, age, or gender. We treat everybody equally and fair. There is plently of room to grow with us with opportunities opening weekly. We are looking for mature players that want to stay for as long as possible.

All we ask of you is to be tactful at all times, have a friendly attitude, participate in weekly and montly corporation activities, and be ready to make money and have fun.

All members must meet the following requirements:
* Skill Points >= 2,000,000
* 1-month playing time with character.
* Must participate in two (3) corporation sanctioned activites per month on a regular basis.
- and -
* Be willing to help the corporation when needed.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 15:04:46
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