

Science and Trade Institute Operations
Name Science and Trade Institute Operations
Ticker STIO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 226977049

Members [0]


The Science and Trade Institute Operations Corporation is the functional capsuleer arm of the Science and Trade Institute, taking graduates from its efficient, illustrious schools and giving them the opportunity to build for the future. With the recent Assembly discussions over the tax rise legislation for empire-owned corporations, the STI decided to pre-empt the change, and form a robust operations arm.

Consisting of ex-S.T.I. capsuleers and newer members, the Operations Division is an unusual mix of science, industry and security operations, all aimed at expanding the reputation and functionality of the S.T.I. and upholding its traditions of rigourous method and honourable action.

This remains the company's aim for the forseeable future.

Science and Trade Institute members and graduates are warmly welcomed. Applicants can apply directly to the CEO Darranibal Colpia or join the the recruitment Channel "STIO Recruitment"

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-01-08 22:32:44
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