

TEK Inc. - Black Lungs
Name TEK Inc. - Black Lungs
Ticker TEKBL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 227772734

Members [0]


-= TEK Inc. - Black Lungs =-
We are a corporation that has oriented iteself into:
- Mining
- Hauling
- Manufacturing
- Science

We aim to become one of EVE's biggest mining &
production corporation to deliver supplies to the far
sides of the EVE universe.

We need:
-> Miners
-> Haulers
-> Npc hunters
-> Missionrunners
-> PvP pilots
-> Manufacturers

Current Corp Goal: Onling of a 2nd POS

Previous achieved Corp Goals:
- 16th April 2006: BS production
- 3rd May: POS (Player Owned Station)
- 3rd June: POS = delayed, Alliance readyness
- 12th July: Obelisk received, our 1st Corp Obelisk!

**public & recruitement channel** : -TEK-

-> Now recruiting,
-> Evemail: GermanSniper, Nemamiah, Daelin Blackleaf or FreedomX

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 16:36:10
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