

Legion of Blood Raiders
Name Legion of Blood Raiders
Ticker LOBLD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 9%
corporationID 241840692

Members [0]


Legion of Blood Raiders is a active and friendly corp that is seeking new and seasoned players to join us in null sec, in the Scalding Pass Area. We currently have Null Sec POS for research and invention and Moon Mining. We are Strictly NBSI(Not Blue Shoot It). Upon applying for our corp you will have to provide an Limited API key and undergo a interview of sorts. We do have a ship replacement plan. PVP is our preferred profession. But we are happy to accept members of all career paths. And we will help new pilots in there training and provide them with the skills they need. As of now we also have standings that will allow our members to obtain Jump Clones in 0.0

So feel free to contact me anytime for any questions.

Rodney Mcay CEO


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-06-05 22:25:02
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