

Greybelle Holdings
Name Greybelle Holdings
Ticker GREYB
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 243044079

Members [0]


Greybelle Holdings is a new Industry based corporation looking to put the fun into industry (and blow a few things up in missions if you want).

We are based in Minmatar and Gallente space and aim to help people into making ISK by mining and industry. We run missions for standings and are pleased to be part of the Ore Federation, a new Gallente Alliance, to grow with and make new friends.

Greybelle is very new player friendly, where we are happy to help any new players with questions they might have about EvE and to be part of a corporation and alliance that promises to have a great future.

The Corporation and Alliance is mainly European at the moment, (but do have players from elsewhere) but would also welcome applications from elsewhere to give round the clock coverage,

Please feel free to drop Cryodorph an evemail or drop into the corporation public chat 'Greybelle Public'.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-09-30 14:09:56
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