

New Eden's Industral Revolution
Name New Eden's Industral Revolution
Ticker NEIR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
URL http:// Comming Soon
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 251647769

Members [0]


٩(̾●̮̮̃•̃̾)۶New Eden's Industrial Revolution٩(̾●̮̮̃•̃̾)۶

Our goals as a corporation revolve around The Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, and what do you ask, makes us unrivaled to other corporations? We shall strive to accomplish nothing less in New Eden than to be the most productive and profitable corporation. As a unit you will find us a well structured corporation that conjointly works within its alliance to be incomparable in New Eden. Our goals are meant to be beneficial to the corporation aswell as members.

Whilst firm during military operations for the sake of tactical efficiency, when not conducting corporate operations we genuinely strive to create a relaxed, fun, and friendly atmosphere for our members because we truly believe that if you cannot relax and have a laugh with someone “off duty” then you certainly can’t achieve long term goals.

We treat our members as friends, not simply units on our corporations virtual “chess board” and as such we truly value everything our members contribute to our corporation, both in terms of in game skills and out of game skills, but above all else, the friendship they bring to the corporation.

Whilst we prefer for our members to be active, we strongly understand that people have lives to attend to, and in no way expect a minimum performance level or play time from our players, we don’t promote putting EVE Online before real life commitments and would never be disappointed or treat a member differently for doing so.

Corporation Utilities:

• Website (www. (Work In Progress) .com)
• Forums
• Killboard

Applicant Requirements:

• Maturity
• Honesty
• Loyalty
• Patience
• Microphone (or ability to purchase one ASAP)
• Willingness to provide limited API for the purpose of background checks. (Non Negotiable)

We communicate in game via the TeamSpeak 3 utility and EVE Voice. Players of all age groups and time zones are welcome to join us provided they meet the corporation’s requirements. If you agree with our goals and corporate vision and would like to join us, please feel free to contact:

New Eden's Industral Revolution

Public Relations Officers
• Frank Battaglia (CEO and Founder)

Also join our public lounge at New Eden's Lounge

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-10-27 08:07:15
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API J:22 Feb 16:57 K:22 Feb 17:43 C:22 Feb 16:00 A:22 Feb 17:51 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:22 Feb 17:29 S:22 Feb 17:35 W:22 Feb 17:13