

256th Shadow Wing
Name 256th Shadow Wing
Ticker 256SW
Alliance Phantom-Recon
Faction -
Ceo Aya Hikage
Members 53
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98358896

Members [53]


Lost in a wormhole? Decloaked next to a data site and don't know how you got there or how to get back? Huffed too much gas? So drunk you can't fly home? Had your Pilot's License revoked? Don't worry about groping your way through a dark and scary wormhole: we'll take you out.

The 256th is the Uber of New Eden. We offer quick and effective transportation service to help you get out of spooky W-Space and wake up in comfortable K-Space. At the push of a button, the 256th will instantly transport you to a fresh clone, hang-over free, in your home station.

Dispatching you is our pleasure because, at the 256th, we're not happy until you're not happy.

"We're the fighting 256th. That's 2 to the fightin' 8th power!"

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 16:27:18
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