

Band of Badgers
Name Band of Badgers
Ticker BOBAD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 267033288

Members [0]


Welcome to Band of Badgers

Join our public channel -> BOBAD Pub

Contact Bleugateau for diplomatic relations

We operate on a NRDS basis in CVA and Sylph space - CVA/Sylph friendly


Teamwork - Whether its roaming ops or mission running, we have experienced people to lead and join in

Training - Provided on any EVE aspect. Ask the questions and someone can answer them

Voice Comms - Ventrilo server

Killboard - Want to see how well you perform in PVP? its there.

Forums - Used to all planned ops and important information.


Looking for all professions. Mission runners preferred as mining is pretty dull :)

We are based out of Taru, with access to level 4 agents for a number of Amarr corporations.

Never PVP'd? We can take you on roams and teach you the ropes. Get some kills under your belt!


Loyalty - Only to the corp. If you have alts, do with them as you wish

Join in - As much as you will have plenty of time to do your own thing, there will be times that joining the fleet ops will be required.

Teamwork - Help each other out. The leadership will not be on 24/7 so sometimes people may have to attempt to get things going. It will be recognised!

Sociability - Dont just sit in corp not saying anything! No one will take anything too seriously so have a chat and have fun.

Specific Requirements:

1) Subscribed account
2) Sociable.
3) Can speak English fluently.
4) Limited Access API Key and User ID required for Security Check

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 10:36:14
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