

The Chimeric Collective
Name The Chimeric Collective
Ticker CCOL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 296127806

Members [0]


The Chimeric Collective has begun humbly but has high dreams of some day becoming a major power in EVE. How long it will take, no-one knows, but we will aspire, we will struggle, we will fight, and we will dream. And one momentous day in the future, we will claim our destiny among the stars.

Founded by a combination of EVE veterans and new players, the Chimeric Collective will accept players of all races, professions, and levels of experience. Whether they be fresh-and-eager players looking to brave this strange new world, or grizzled old veterans who wish to contribute to something great in the making, all are welcome. The only requirements: a willingess to work hard and get through the difficult early days. Enlist today and start on the path to claiming your destiny among the stars!

Questions? Want to join? Contact General Ironclaw, x Zhukov, or LockeProposal250, or go to our channel, CCOL Public.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 08:02:01
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