

2DnS Industries LLC
Name 2DnS Industries LLC
Ticker 2DNS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo AmazingRando Jones
Members 2
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 98130227

Members [2]


Right now we are trying to find some good customers who would like to keep some equipment stocked up at your bases. If you talk to us maybe we can work out some deals on what you need.

For anybody interested in joining us we are definately interested in talking to you we are looking for guys who are interested in making your own way in Eve, helping us come up with some good ideas and putting them into play to get this corp off the ground. Send a message to Lee Gidrine or AmazingRando Jones if your are interested.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 02:43:43
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