

ECM Space Patrol
Name ECM Space Patrol
Ticker ECMSP
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 309926441

Members [0]


Greetings fellow capsuler, welcome to the ECM Space Patrol corporation. We are active in all high security aspects of Eve Online and offer equal opportunities to all our members.

Our corporation is built upon several key corner stones; we offer an active, helpful and communicative environment in which all our members are able to explore almost all aspects of Eve Online with full assistance from their corporate colleagues. We are an international corporation which has members in most areas of the world, so there are few time zone constraints.

We believe that communication and participation are key components of any coporation, because of this we offer services such as Ventrilo, forums, regular operations open to all members and a website.

Moreover, we offer all corporate members the opportunity to get involved in our wide selection of divisions: Mission Running, Trading, Industrial, Mining Operations, Exploration and more. All divisons are run by dedicated divisonal leaders and directors who offer assistance to member who wish to take part in their divison.

If you are interested in learning more about our corporation or if you feel like applying please do feel free to contact any of our members or one of our recruitment officers; CEO: Sgt Girlpower. Divisonal Directors: Xterea(Missioning Divisonal Leader), Xzilius Wolf(Exploration Divisonal Leader).

Our website can be found here.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-09-07 22:11:19
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