

0rizen Recruitment Unit and Support
Name 0rizen Recruitment Unit and Support
Ticker 0RUS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 330377801

Members [0]


Status : Closed


0RUS is the recruitment corp for the 0rizen Nation null sec alliance. We accept members of any skill level and operate in the Domain region.

We are a jack of all trades group and those of us who run missions run them in :

Youl - lvl 1's and 2's
Ebtesham - lvl 3's and 4's / Mining Ops

We'd expect that anyone who joins 0RUS will move down to either of these systems or at least nearby in case of war. So that we can respond to any threats that arrive.

All members are expected to have a pvp fit ship at all times even if it is only a frigate or destroyer.

Whatever your choice fly safe.

Take Care o7

0RUS has be closed Due to various reasons we are hopeing to reopen it in the distant future but it will not be any time soon

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-11-27 08:02:06
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