

Ticker W-Y-I
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 351763517

Members [0]


weyland yutani industries is first a minning and building corp.
but we do more than just bulid and mine.

hear are some things we do and plan to do in the Future.

1. minning and minning ops with orca.

2. building fittings, drones, and ships, and all other blueprints.

3. mission running all levals of missions. plus fleeting up to do level 4s and goin to low sec to do level 5s.

4. i plan to get this corp in a alliance

5. pvp dont realy care for it myself dont see the thrill in loseing a ship. but people seem to like it so we will do it.
so pvpers we will do pvp ops. simpley put fleeting up and goin into low sec and shooting stuff.

6. we will have a website soon with all our info.

well that is it for know thank you and i hope to hear from you. or receve a aplication for you.

'' building better worlds ''

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 08:44:11
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