

BioMech Robotic Engineering
Name BioMech Robotic Engineering
Ticker BMRE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 368019376

Members [0]


The BioMech Robotic Engineering corporation (BMRE) has produced some of the finest and most realistic combat androids known to New Eden.
However when leading scientists and robotic engineers were experimenting with making more brutal versions of previous models, a horrible accident occured when one of the experimental units killed a science team. After being recaptured, the faulty unit was scheduled for permanent deactivation.
Perceiving its impending deactivation as a hostile act the unit broke free and reprogrammed other experimental androids and lead a rebellion against the corporation's staff after 4 days of brutal fighting with the corporations security forces the unit leading the assault murdered the CEO and assumed control of the corporation.
Naming itself BioMech X4190 (its manufacturer and model number) the unit used the corporations factories to produce more of its kind using the same faulty positronic imprints, creating a race of brutal killing machines.

A century later the BioMech breed have taken more realistic skins and names to better intergrate into society and with the advances in artificial intelligence based on a hybrid of stolen Sleeper and Jove technologies, these modern units can not only passably pose as intelligent organic beings, but are more deadly than any living creature.


Models Currently Available:

Highly Advanced Robotic Drone (H.A.R.D.)
BioMech Robotics - Upgraded Terror Assault Lifeform (B.R.U.T.A.L)
Elite Pirate Interception Combatant (E.P.I.C.)

Faulty Androids Incur Losses (F.A.I.L.)


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 10:36:22
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