

Malicious Miners Association
Name Malicious Miners Association
Ticker -MMA-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 395745169

Members [0]


Kalathan Dokul - CEO, Malicious Miners Association

For information in regards to recruiting, etc. Refer to Jinging Tsung, Animosity CEO. Thanks.

"Gaming is a part of all of our lives.

Many of us have families, careers, studies, dependencies and social obligations in the real world; yet we all find time for the gaming scene.

MMO's have openned up a channel for gamers from all over the globe, from different social, political and economic backgrounds, to come together as gamers and share a common interest, with a common goal.

Animosity, is an opportunity for mature, professional and motivated gamers to come together, under one banner, and strive for success in every game we hold a presence.

Our guild is only as strong as the sum of it's member's, and what leadership puts into the community, we hope to get back from our membership base through gaming and toward the growth and maintenance of our community."

- Marmz
Guild Leader


Malicious Miners Association is the Industrial arm of the Animosity Cartel. We cater to those that want to spend their time focusing our energies in manufacturing, mining, missioning, etc.



Animosity is a Hardcore guild aligned with an evil/dark/criminal alignment. We are a tight-knit gaming community involved with multiple Sci-Fi based MMOs. We are comprised of 18+ mature, skilled and dedicated gamers based all over the world (US, EU, AU) who have years of MMO and gaming experience. We work together as one unit to achieve respect and recognition as one of the top guilds in every MMO we invest in.


We strongly believe that real life is the most important thing. We know "Sith" will happen, and no guild or game should expect you to suffer for taking care of whatever matters most in your own life. Whilst we strive for success in all of our divisions, we understand life's obligations.

Most of us are hardcore gamers, but what we put into the games we play, we also put in our family, work and friends in the real world.


Our community provides our members a place to escape from real life. A place to kick up your feet and enjoy gaming content with the challenge of being the best in a supportive environment. We are a tight-knit group who have all become good friends. We like to have fun. We flame at, and play jokes on, each other, however we do it at all times with respect, whilst acknowledging to take criticism with a grain of salt.


Leaders: We, as leaders and officers of the guild strive to be the most organized and active guild we can possibly muster, to stay on top of the game and keep our members happy.

Guild: To prevail in PvP and PvE and to be recognized as a force to be reckoned with and to be recognized and respected as one of the best on server.


Animosity was formed on the 14th of January 2009. Many of the initial members and leadership were apart of the guild A'a Netjer.

We all have had many years in the MMO scene, some of us from the late 1990's.


- Mature 18+ Players
- Dedicated People
- Hardcore experienced Players
- Fun, humor, responsibility
- Progressive

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-04-30 22:21:56
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