

Name Obsequey.
Ticker OBSQ
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
URL http://#
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 396777517

Members [0]


We produce and deliver the finest beverage in EVE universe (Space Scotch Whiskey)
Virtually we can deliver you any quantity of this awesome product anywhere in the EVE universe instantly!
The SSW product can be purchased bulk or retail, it has no age limit, can be safely consumed by every age category (kids love it's sweet flavor in the morning).
The product it's safe, ecologic, successfully tested on animals (bunnies, kitties, pappies just to name a few), it create no addiction, it have no side effects...well, occasionally some users reported minor mental instability, cerebral disorder, sexual ambiguity, lose of taste, smell, hearing, sight and other things that doesn't worth mention here.
The composition and recipe remain secret but we guarantee the finest ingredients available on the market, ALWAYS!

NEW! You can purchase this great product for only 9.95 ISK (tax included)

Currently OUT OF STOCK!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-02-24 06:20:45
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API J:22 Feb 16:57 K:22 Feb 17:43 C:22 Feb 16:00 A:22 Feb 17:49 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:22 Feb 17:29 S:22 Feb 17:35 W:22 Feb 17:13