

Legio Excessum
Name Legio Excessum
Ticker .LCX.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 432009894

Members [0]


Legio Excessum offers third party contracting and logistics to corporations needs. Working on all major markets, we can offer a veriraty of services at fullest discression. Strict private corporation and chooses its own members.

Corporate Service and focus areas
# Transportation: Moves all goods within Empire space.
# Marketing: Investigates the open market for potential buyes.
# Contracting: Finallize the deal through contract only.

The service is being formed at the moment. Stay tuned for further updates.

General advice to avoid scamming

# Never use direct tradeing:
This is a ancient procedure were items can be switched and thus fooling the buyer.
# Always control the contract: The free form contract does not give any form of items, never have and never will. Do not accept these!
# Check out the goods: Make sure that the named called out on the contract for specific item, ie a tech 2 item, is the same item inside the contract. Many scams can relate to tech2, faction or navy items but is just plain tech 1 items inside the contract.
# Prices: A more discreet way trying to fool is to call out a correct contract, with correct items but with price scams. A contract can be called out for ie 5000 units of a certain item, claiming to be only 500 isk per unit, but.. inside the contract the 5000 units are sold for over 250M ISK thus makeing the price per unit over 5000 isk. Hence, the call for 500isk per item, turned out to be 5000 isk per item. A scam.
# Use common sense: just dont rush into buying stuff. check out the contracts, control them so you are not going to be scammed, since scamming is part of the internal game mechanics and allowed inside EvE be extra careful. compare the contracts to the open market, check out how the market has developed and if your still uncertain, just ask around, there are litterly thousands of pilots that will help out.
# Prices: a final word on prices, and that one cant really know whats going to happen. everyon wants to make more money hence the market will flucuate and inflation will ocour. try to make the best out of the situation and always strive to make your logistics, industry and tradeing more effective since then you will have an advantaget over other pilots.

Legio Excessum
supports a clean financial ground with fair tradeing through contracts and selling & buying on the open market. Please report all ISK spamming pilots through a petition. This creates an unbalanced inflation and undermines a clean market.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-03-31 22:14:02
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