

0.0 Fountain Security Department
Name 0.0 Fountain Security Department
Ticker 0.0FS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 478371050

Members [0]


Want to learn PvP the proper way?
then your at the right place.
Rookies, Experts, trial accounts, and mother inlaws.. everyone is welcome IF your interested in PvP

We specialise at fleet combat and solo pvp
we offer:
-pvp Training.
-armed escorts, for e,g: pos fueling, mining, hauling. etc.
you mine, we make sure nobody touches your ore.
-merc jobs
-0.0 space access,
-level 4 missions
-empire pvp, and 0.0 PvP,
-killboards, Ventrilo. and more.

We expect you to:
-have fun and play the game.
-be on Ventrilo during operations
-post your kills and losses on our killboard.
-kill stuff
-work together and listen to the FC.

no shit shall by thrown in this corp, you can throw it at RingJim though

more info: Contact RingJim

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2009-11-11 15:28:58
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