

4 wing
Name 4 wing
Ticker LYNX
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Four Nicator
Members 1
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 161073619

Members [1]


=4 wing=

About 4 Wing Gamers:
The 4 Wing started their online gaming career in Airwarrior Classic back in 1996. We were quickly recognized as one of the more powerful air squads there, and remained active in the game until it was discontinued.
After Airwarrior's decline, the squad moved in to three different games (Aces High, WWII Online/Battleground Europe, and Fighter Ace, concentrating on the latter two).
4 Wing enters EVE:
4Wing: a multifaceted corporation, with interests in Combat, Mining, Production and Mission Running.

What 4 Wing is looking for in a recruit:
- At least 21 years of age (most of us are over 30)
- Newer players are welcome, but need a min of 10mil SP.
- Looking for Miners and Production, and PVP'ers.

What you can expect as a recruit:
- A 2 week probationary period before full entry into the

Our recruitment chat channel is LYNX RECRUITS

Recruiting and diplomatic contacts are Pink Fuzz and Balderic Lunacy.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 00:30:21
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