

501st Imperial Navy
Name 501st Imperial Navy
Ticker 501IN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo White Gurl Armstrong
Members 6
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98638336

Members [6]


Corp Discord

The 501st is a tight knit group of players. Most of the 501st has been playing EVE ONLINE together for 3+ years and are always looking to add more people to our group. We're a relaxed corporation who realizes that real life comes first.

We are currently looking for PVP, PVE, Miners and Industrialist players who are willing to participate in Stratops/CTAs.

501st Offers:
-Guidance for new and returning players
-Low 10% tax rate & 0% LP tax
-Fun and active crew
-Corporation discord
-Access to easy to get into - high profit income

-10 million SP (exceptions can be made)
-Omega Clone
-Mic and be on comms.
-Full ESI check
-3 Alliance fleet participation and 2 Coalition fleet participation per month no exceptions

CEO: Nate Armstrong
Director/Diplo: Gracie Willington / Janie Willington Discord: Willingz
Director: Ted Schwartz

Join the discord or message Ted Schwartz if you are interested in joining!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 12:20:05
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