

Name Arugganath
Ticker ARUG
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 559262539

Members [0]


The Arugganath Corporation was founded at the end of YC111 year by Racjel. The home of Arugganath is established in the Uoyonen system in The Forge region. At the beginning the Arugganath Corporation engaged in doing military missions for various corporations of the Caldari State. With time, extended its activities by the manufacturing of Caldari ships and modules to them.
Arugganath is a rare example of an independent corporation, that manages to establish itself within the Caldari State. However, it does make efforts to retain good standings with Kaalakiota and Wiyrkomi megacorporations. Arugganath Corporation considers itself a Patriot corporation and, additionally, a CPD-friendly entity.

Size: Tiny
Extent: National
Headquarters: Uoyonen
Offices: 1 in 1 systems
Shares: 100,000
Share price: -
Share holders:
Arugganath Corporation 100%
Activity: Military, Manufacture

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-11-17 22:23:14
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