

Pegasus Hellions
Name Pegasus Hellions
Ticker H3LL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 578914490

Members [0]


Pegasus Hellions,

The hellions were a proud and arrogant people, confident in their superiority and justifiably dismissive of alien barbarians. Their technological and cultural achievements excelled those of all other races, and in their arrogance none amongst them doubted that this state of affairs would continue indefinitely. In many ways the Pegasus Hellions had good reason for such conceit, for no other race had posed a serious threat to their wealth and stability for countless millennia. The doom of the Hellions, when it came, took a form more subtle and dangerous than that of an invasion.

Lost in the vastness of space, the craftworlds float in utter isolation like scattered jewels upon a pall of velvet. No star-shine illuminates their sleek towers. Distant from the warmth of sun or planet, their domes stare into the darkness of empty space. inner lights glisten like phosphorus through semi-transparent surfaces. within live the survivors of a civilsation abandoned aeons ago amidst terrifying destruction. These are the Pegasus Hellions, a race that is all but extinct, the last remnants of people whose mere dreams once overturned world and quenched suns.

Delta conspiracy

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 12:46:01
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