

Lyon's Pride Inc.
Name Lyon's Pride Inc.
Ticker LYNS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 594732157

Members [0]


Just trying to get together a bunch of guys who love to have fun and have unhealthy delusions of grandeur. Starting small now, but with cooperation of a friendly mining corp we work closely with, plans are already made to move out and do lowsec POS ops. Currently mishing, light pvp, running a highsec POS for research, and trading bad jokes and outdated pop culture references.

Special pvp opportunities for stealth bomber/black ops pilots. Ever get excited thinking of what a pack of sbs can do to a battleship? We may have a use for you!

All members will have ability to audit corp wallet. If the corp is collecting taxes, the people paying those taxes have a right to see if that money is paying for the CEO to decorate a hidden POS with Tier III Battleships and Strategic Cruisers. ;-)

Currently looking to recruit: Miners, Manufacturers, mish runners and pvp pilots. Pretty much just about anyone, but would especially like to see stealth bomber pilots.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 10:36:46
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API J:21 Feb 11:57 K:21 Feb 11:43 C:21 Feb 12:00 A:21 Feb 12:24 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:21 Feb 12:28 S:21 Feb 11:34 W:21 Feb 12:15