

5th Expeditionary Fleet
Name 5th Expeditionary Fleet
Ticker 5EF
Alliance DammFam
Faction -
Ceo Fitzitz Thellere
Members 4
Tax Rate 4%
corporationID 98608952

Members [4]


Are you lonely in this large place called space? 5th Expeditionary Fleet is a mining and industry focused corp growing in Low-sec while making some ISK. Be a part of the founding members as our recruitment drive takes off.

Join 5th Expeditionary Fleet today and get access to the following services:

+ Full content available for Alpha players, as well as Omega.

+ Mining Operations, and a strong fleet support.

+ WormHoles Exploration.

+ Expert counselling in ship fittings.

+ Marketing and trade support.

+ Planetary Interaction.

If you need any additional information, just join our public channel 5th Fleet Recruiting for your questions to be answered.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 03:00:14
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