

Sentinels Of Justice
Name Sentinels Of Justice
Ticker .COPS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
URL /...
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 655394402

Members [0]


Sentinels Of Justice (.COPS) is recruiting pilots from ALL TIME ZONES, RACES and PROFESSIONS for 0.0, Empire operations. Self-starters looking to actively help build this organization and friendships in a laid-back atmosphere are welcome!<br><br>Think of SOJ as an unofficial police force - in addition to securing null sec. space and empire basing locations - we intend to develop PVP forces (supported by indy pilots) to PATROL various pirate-infested regions of Eve and eradicate them.<br><br>** Competitive Highly Sought-After PvP Titles And Awards - Get Your Bragging Rights HERE!<br><br>Most of our members are mid-20s and older, professionals, come from all time zones and take the game seriously enough that we can function but not so serious that we become stressed. We aim to create friendships, fun and to build something we can ALL CALL OUR OWN. The CEO expects of himself what is expected of everyone, so the values and requirements are a two-way street demonstrated from top leadership on down. SOJ is run democratically, with only the most major of decisions being made unilaterally but still under advisement by full members.<br><br>EMPIRE CENTERS OF ACTIVITY: Ammatar, The Citadel and Metropolis (subject to change without notice as regional conditions change).<br><br>MAKE APPLICATION AT: Nakatre III, Moon 1<br>** SOJ is managed by a US Army Reserve Officer.<br>** ALLIANCE &amp; PERMANENT 0.0 SPACE OCCUPATION IS IN PROCESS (10 corp corporations are committed so far).<br>** Currently 5 active members as of 3/17/09, w/ 3 inactive due too RL needs but soon to return.<br>** Logistics (JF) Support For All Corp/Alliance Ops Coming Soon.<br><br>GENERAL CORP. FOCUS:<br>* Anti-Pirate PVP<br>* Wormhole Exploration<br>* Mining &amp; Industry (in support of pvp and other needs)<br>* Complex &amp; Mission Running<br>* POS's Available (0.0 space)<br>* Formal Rank Structure<br>* Ventrilo / Teamspeak / Xfire use REQUIRED<br><br>TYPE OF PEOPLE WE RECRUIT: Dedicated, loyal, mature, giving and conscientious -ONLY- need apply. The person behind the character matters a great deal, and loyalty to the corporation and its members is paramount to our success. We are not interested in corp jumpers or pilots with negative security ratings.<br><br>OUR VALUES:<br>1) Real life comes first - family, work and etc. are primary.<br>2) Members are expected to be selfless and contributory towards corporate efforts and fellow members.<br>3) Senior members mentor junior corp. members.<br>4) Members serve as positive examples to everyone.<br>5) Members are expected to be courteous and civilized in their behavior towards EVERYONE.<br>6) No piracy or griefing of any kind.<br>7) We value people who demonstrate initiative/self-starter traits as we DO NOT dictate to pilots what to do.<br><br>MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS:<br>1) References are helpful - (former CEO's, in-game friends etc.), and undergo an interview process. NEWER LOW-SP pilots MAY BE accepted on a case-by-case basis - conditions do apply.<br>2) Clean employment history free of mercenary and/or pirate affliations.<br>3) Main account toons only may apply - alts may apply at a later time.<br>4) NO MINIMUM SKILL POINTS - must submit screenshots of account details when and/or as requested (for security and to verify main/alts)<br>5) 0.0+ security status and above ONLY, exceptions on a case-by-case basis.<br>6) PREFER that you already have cyno skills and/or dedicate training of alt toon on main account for cyno-pilot operations.<br>7) 0.0 space access/information will not be granted until attainment of full-member status and concurrence by senior SOJ and alliance/coalition leaders.<br>8) Most importantly, be ready to IMMEDIATELY MOVE all ships and assets to specified areas of operation to work with SOJ members and alliance/coalition partners.<br>9) No Trial Accounts Accepted.<br><br>More Details Found At The TWO URL'S Provided Under The Corp. "Attributes" Tab.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-01-21 08:09:44
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