

Nova Elements
Name Nova Elements
Ticker NOVE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 656142294

Members [0]


The Nova Elements is a pure freelance anti-pirate corp. Trying to have the most fun out of our billions and gaming time. If you do not got any clue how to; laugh your but of instantly after you log on, say “YAAARRRAHAHAHAAARR” just a few times in a week, blast a few ships in lowsec to dust, you should not be looking for the Nova Elements to join.

“We are not numbers – We are free men”

The Nova Elements are not recruiting everyone anymore, as we can now use the clone-jump feature, which means that we spare our implants if we should meet something nuke’ish. Only rules for joining is; +8.5 standing with the federation navy, quite some humor, you do not shake till you fall of your chair because of lowsec space and you got a bit knowledge about teamwork that means that you dont have to have 30m SP.

“Quality over Quantity”

Anything you did not get clear? Join the NE-PUBLIC channel or send a message to FawKa, the CEO

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 16:36:43
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API J:23 Feb 07:57 K:23 Feb 07:43 C:23 Feb 08:25 A:23 Feb 08:25 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:23 Feb 07:59 S:23 Feb 07:35 W:23 Feb 08:13