

Forgotten Disciples
Name Forgotten Disciples
Ticker -F-D-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 689774570

Members [0]


Come and join a very friendly corp. If required you can participate in our noob training programme. We have regular voluntary mining ops etc and experienced players on hand who can help out either in game or with any questions you may have.

Experienced players are also more than welcome to join. The Corp does not want to take isk away from any of our players so we have a Zero tax rate to reflect this.

Our players include a worldwide player base with an age range between 18 - 50+ years!!!

Whatever you want to do with your character in Eve, we can help you achieve it!

Apply at our offices in nakatra or kirras. A short interview may be required before you are allowed to join and it is therefore important that you include in your application when you will be free to undertake this ie tell us when you are likely to be online within the next 48 hours. This is so that we can ensure that you are right for the corp and also that we can assist in your goals :)

Following admission you are required to log into the BMC CHAT channel and keep it open throughout. Refer to corp mails following admission for further info :)

We also actively use a free out of eve voice server and it is a bonus if you have the capability to join this too.

Please allow up to 24hrs for application turnarounds. We also have rl work as well ;p

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 14:26:14
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