

Sentinel Syndicate
Name Sentinel Syndicate
Ticker .S.S.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 690155920

Members [0]


Sentinel Syndicate is the EvE Online division of the Sentinels online gaming community (

What We Require From Our Pilots:
* Willingness to work for and support the Sentinel Syndicate
* Willingness to work together with Corps members as part of a team (“what’s in it for me” people need not apply)
* No minimum SP requirements (only clause is that you cannot be a trial account)
* Absolutely no drama

What We Offer:
* Relaxed atmosphere (nothing forced, real life first)
* Knowledgeable pilots to assist in getting new players into their own level 4's.
* Mature player base.
* Corp Ventrilo sever

What We Require:
Loyalty is our number one requirement, active accounts. Real life is fine by us, but it’s nice to know if you are coming back before you take a month break

Currently Looking For:
All Capsuleers are welcome with the Syndicate, whatever your preferred game style I am sure we can find you a place amongst friends here, Sentinels Syndicate as well as the the Sentinels online gaming community are about quality members and not about specific toon specializations, or SP, we want quality members who enjoy playing games with friends and will abide by our code.

We are currently located in the Heimatar region, we are looking for any: Industrialists, mission runners, Worm Hole Explorer's, and PvP’ers - basically anyone looking to belong to a non-piracy corp that’s willing to contribute to the success of the Corporation for mutual benefit will find themselves among friends here.

NA West: Kel Zarrak, Kevin Neverrest
NA East: Sergent Slappy

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-02-13 06:29:45
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