

6thsense Corp
Name 6thsense Corp
Ticker -6TH-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo tommee
Members 6
Tax Rate 2.5%
corporationID 1173167095

Members [6]


u'Recruitment Status: Invitation only

Share the Spirit

Who we are:

We are mostly EU time zone.
We are mostly industrialists and good friends
Over the last 12 to 18 months we have really come together and pushed the corp forward in a direction that we had been wanting to for a long time. But we lacked the skills in the past and maybe the motivation as well.

Not anymore, we now have the skills to build anything in Eve, but we lack the BPO\u2019s above standard Capitals.
We specialize in Carriers specifically but can also build your dreads to order, if you have a desire for a new shiny, then mail your capital choice and fit to Daveion Steel who will work out a price and mail you back with any special offers we have as well.

We make T2 Drones, and every capital module posible except Doomsday, so please supply your exact fit for the best possible price.

All your information is kept under the strictest of confidence and your entire order can be deleted after the transaction is complete if you so wish. We will never share your information with any other corp or alliance, in fact we do not share the details with our own members.

We are based in Metro and Heimatar space near Molden Heath and can supply extra fuel if needed, However 15k FREE units is normally enough.
We cannot move your order ourselves to a system other than our two build systems, but the systems are secure and normally empty after DT.

We are a NRDS Alliance, and we have sold caps to a lot of reds. business is business after all.

Fly safe. o7


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 13:44:15
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