

Zelores Industries
Name Zelores Industries
Ticker ZELOI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 702780314

Members [0]


"Our mission is to harvest and furthermore make use of minerals and BPO(C)'s so we can bring to the masses quality ammo, ships, and their components. While further training new pilots in the skills of the EvE universe Industrial aspects in day to day activities.

Rules of the Zoloi:
1. No pirating
2. No can flipping
3. No smack talk
4. No stealing

What we offer:
Beginer skill books
Beginer PvP training
Support in many fields
An industry seting
Some RP "if thats your thing"

Corporation Requests:
Participate in corperation and alliance minning operations
If you make friends with players not in our corperation offer us on a silver platter
Use a mic. We use eve audio. Alliance uses Ventrilo and Team Speak.
If you have a personal goal let us know we are glad to help.

Our tax rates: Tax 10%-5% for corp funs-5% special projects for members

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2009-11-11 15:40:11
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