

The United Peacekeeper Federation
Name The United Peacekeeper Federation
Ticker TUPF
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 4%
corporationID 714543901

Members [0]


We are not Mercenaries!

We are not pirates!

Nor are we thieves!

We are The United Peacekeeper Federation, The military force behind what will be The Peacekeeper Accord, a unilateral Alliance of corporations interested in safeguarding the interests of all its members and that of the people of New Eden.

We as a corporation will seek justice through contract, ether from an alliance member of anyone else who has been dealt with unjustly. For example, if pirate attack a helpless barge, the owner can contract the TUPF to seek out justice and dispatch the aggressors, however we will investigate all contracts before acting upon them and we reserve the right to turn down any contract with no reason given.

We are involved in all aspects of Eve, whether its research and development, or Black ops and heavy combat engagement, all the way to mining op’s, and therefore we are recruiting all skilled members to the force.

Remember this is a military corporation and once we have gained sovereignty of a system we will be focusing on security of our members no matter the cost... are you strong enough for the TUPF? Why not find out and join today...

Chatt to Reeverdark for details.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-10-20 08:03:52
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