

Coalition of EVE
Name Coalition of EVE
Ticker CEV
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 17.5%
corporationID 730514298

Members [0]


What makes a place great? Cooperation. Thats what we are about. We cooperate on mission runnings, mining operations, and more in order to help our members get the most out of the game.


* Coalition of EVE is intrested in you joining our fast growing, Friendly corporation.
* Were currently looking for dedicated people for our Military , Industrial , Manufacture and Research
* No minimum Skillpoint required.
* We want you to be Social , Serious and to not be a carebear.
* We want you to not be on a trail account or join with a ALT.
* We will have Events for you to join if theres any intrest.

*** For more information please contact one of following ***
Zodiac Xavier

*** You can sign up at one of our offices ***
Airkio III - Moon 1 - Minedrill Mineral Reserve
Aymaerne VIII - Moon 2 - Aliastra Warehouse
Jita IV - Moon 10 - Caldari Business Tribu...
Jolia VII - Moon 12 - Wiyrkomi Corporation F...

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 14:26:15
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