

Knight's Creed
Name Knight's Creed
Ticker KNCR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 50%
corporationID 745080800

Members [0]


An EU corporation for active, talkative comrades, within +/- 3 GMT, all over the age of 17.

Now recruiting European members of any race, creed or experience level, though applicants must be active, prolific and with a grasp of English in both hand and tongue. Five million credit bursaries shall be provided to new recruits on request and training, advice and tutorials can be arranged if and when necessary.

The corporation itself comprises three divisions, the Industrial Division, PvE Combat Division and PvP Combat Division. These three divisions work both seperately and in tandem to make the corp prosper. Upon admission you shall choose your favoured division, but this does not lock you to merely this profession, only identifying your primary interest and desired corp purpose.

The corporation does what it's members require to expand their eve based experience, providing for and supporting them in their ambitions and endeavours.

Contact Kronsig Vertug, Purkinjee, James Sarum, Jennifer Bailey or EliteGuardian for further details on recruitment and diplomacy.

Public channel is "KNCR Public".

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-10-19 14:27:24
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