

Guardian Syndicate
Name Guardian Syndicate
Ticker GSYN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 749921105

Members [0]


Founded in 1996, the Lost Order of Akalabeth (LOA) ( is one of online gaming's oldest and strongest guilds with presence in many of today’s MMO’s. We believe our success has come from our unique approach to creating a community where our friendships are more important than the games we play. We pride ourselves in having members that are mature and community-oriented team players.

The Guardian Syndicate is LOA’s Corporation in the EVE universe. Our corporation is designed to help our members grow and to provide opportunities. Currently the most exciting opportunity LOA can provide to our members is in our alliance with Goonfleet and the OSS. As OSS allies we have a wide range of activities that we can be involved in such as: Involvement in the global politics, massive fleet battles, homeland defense, high-end mining (Bistot, Crokite, & Dark Ochre), trading with allies and producing for the war effort.

Whether it is fame, fortune or adventure the Guardian Syndicate offers great advantages to its members.

For membership information check out our forums at or stop by in our public chat GS_PUBLIC

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 16:37:10
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