

Name lupura
Ticker LUPUR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 25%
corporationID 759328550

Members [0]


A tough, no-nonsense race, the Minmatars are a determined and independent people. Their home planet of Matar is a natural paradise, but centuries of abuse, many of her beauty.

For the Minmatars, the most important thing in life is to take care of your own, and although kin and family play an important role in their society, they prefer identify themselves to the clan or tribe to which they belong. A clan can have any number of people, and its size is largely dictated by the main activity of its members. Most specialize in a particular area of activity. While people who live on a planet can focus on agricultural or industrial activity, others who travel around the world of EVE concentrate on trading, piracy, and the like.

In the distant past the clans ever fought against each other. Since then, however, Minmatars have learned that cooperation is more important, and although the clans still try their regional and ideological identities retain their function as one unit to another species.

The fate of the have ebbed and flowed continuously Minmatars. At one point they had a flourishing empire with a level of mechanical excellence never before or since seen anywhere. Later, however, they had to endure centuries of enslavement, toiling and dying for the benefit of foreign masters. Today, most of them have regained their freedom, but their legacy of slavery is the diaspora of the race.

The Minmatars are the most numerous of all races in the world of EVE, but their are in many factions. While the Minmatar Republic is the official state, only a quarter of all Minmatars part of it. The majority, nearly one third, enslaved within the huge Amarr Empire, while one fifth live in the Gallente Federation, creating a powerful political bloc which relations between Gallenteans keep and Amarrians in a constant state of tension . The rest, which are not part of a formal organization, live as free men throughout the world. Many are migrant workers, roaming from one system to another to find work. A fair number of their lives on the dark side of the law as pirates, smugglers and peddlers in all kinds of illegal goods, and many of the larger criminal groups in the world of EVE are run by Minmatars.

Now after many years, the time has come, together with our Gallente brothers fight back against Amar and their allies who have abused us all this time. We will fight for our honor and for glory.

Minimum requirements:
- Only Minmater and Gallente are welcome in our corps
- Your security status not lower than - 4.00

For more information contact Mr 4587

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-09-01 22:29:15
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