

Black Water Enterprises
Name Black Water Enterprises
Ticker BLKWT
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 761087523

Members [0]


Black Water: We'll do "most" anything as long as it's for profit. We are looking of people who enjoy group activities and would like to join us on various task/ops.

Requiremants for joining are:
*full paid account (no trials, unless otherwise told)
*character must be at least 2 weeks old
*Ability to use voice systems ie ts3
*A live audio interview
*3m skill points required
*PST (GMT -8:00) but looking for all timezones
*limited access api required upon entrance to corporation
*we're not pro piracy but what you do on your time is up to you just don't ruin the game for every one else.
What we can do for you:
*We prefere 18yrs + but not a requirement as long as you don't act like a fool. Most members are fairly mature as are their jokes. (not for the easily offended)

-access to missions lvls 1-5 (Caldari Navy)
-corporate hanger access
-mining ops (orca support available)
-Friendly enviroment to enhance the eve experiance
-pvp from small roams to sov swarms
-Worm Hole home.
-level 4-5 missions
-Null sec access (shortly)
-200+ alliance
-teamspeak3 server and alliance kb
-Friendly helpful and experienced Players

Find out more, contact Arcanisdivinitis, Azrelith

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-08-25 14:19:30
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API J:21 Mar 09:13 K:21 Mar 09:36 C:21 Mar 09:36 A:21 Mar 09:35 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:21 Mar 09:35 S:21 Mar 08:42 W:21 Mar 09:36